A Rainbow of Love

If I could be different, how would life be?

Would I smile through the darkness, or would I still be me

I’d collect those sad memories and toss them away

Then the promise of morning would strengthen each day,

I’d build new bridges, follow paths filled with light,

Paint millions of stars to brighten the night,

I’d polish my thoughts ‘til they shone bright and clear,

I’d touch a multitude and gather them near,

I’d search for the words locked so tightly away

that force me to leave;

yet beg me to stay.

Soft clouds would encircle garlands of light,

My warmth would embrace all the colours of night,

Sadness would fade, pain wither away;

giving fresh new meaning

to each beautiful day.

Trees would wear blossom all the year round

So a carpet of moonbeams would cover the ground,

Raindrops in autumn would dissolve in the sun

to a rainbow of love;

- a new life has begun.


Poem submitted by an elderly female patient

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Twilight Time

It’s twilight time, the sun is down, the moon will soon appear.

The evening shadows hibernate, the air is brisk and clear.

The moon then peeps out from the clouds, the shadows slowly rise.

They haven’t grown to full size yet, sleep’s still in their eyes.

Then through the trees a gentle breeze prods shadows from their trance.

They now have reached full stature, and they all begin to dance.

They dance the tango and the waltz to music from the soul.

Then as the breeze picks up the beat they switch to rock and roll.

At last the light from the moon grows dim and time for dawn is near.

The evening shadows leave the scene and slowly disappear.


Aged 15

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